
A Brief History Of How Human Rights Changed The World

By Adam Wagner, Founder and Chair 19 May 2015
Family, Immigration, Institutions, Young People

We made this really beautiful timeline about the history of human rights.

It starts at Magna Carta, 800 years ago, and takes you through the key events in the history of human rights. We had a lot of fun making it, deciding what was in and what was out. Obviously, there wasn’t room for everything, but we’re happy to take comments on how to improve it.

There are some subtle features in there, like the lines and dotted lines which represent the influence and the development of different articles of the European Convention on Human Rights. And can you spot the man bun?

The timeline is here. It’s lovely. Go now. But if you want more…

Below is a list of sources if you are interested in going further than the bitesize information on the timeline.

About The Author

Adam Wagner Founder and Chair

Adam is the founder and Chair of EachOther. In his day job, he is a barrister specialising in human rights law and is well known for his human rights communications work on social and mainstream media. In 2010, he set up the hugely successful UK Human Rights Blog.

Adam is the founder and Chair of EachOther. In his day job, he is a barrister specialising in human rights law and is well known for his human rights communications work on social and mainstream media. In 2010, he set up the hugely successful UK Human Rights Blog.